TRPA Reveals Plan for More, More, More

Tuesday night’s 5 pm TRPA Webinar was disturbing. TRPA relentless push for more growth inside and outside Town Centers , more height (56’+9’=65’), 20% more coverage, less parking (.75 spaces per unit), reduced setbacks and unlimited density in some instances is crazy. The speakers characterized these changes as “small”. These proposals are additive to Placer County’s new changes and will apply to the entire lake.

TRPA’s cap on development (the supposed safety net) is full of omissions.

Changing the Regional Plan is under the distraction of affordable, moderate or achievable deed restricted housing. Yet achievable housing won’t be affordable. $800k condos, which is all the developers will choose to build won’t help our local workforce. The achievable definition is one giant loophole. There is no income cap. To qualify you just need one family member to work 30 hrs/week in Truckee or Tahoe. One could obtain a business license and self report or a billionaire’s son could qualify. The only guardrail mentioned is TRPA thinks rich folks wouldn’t WANT to live in more modest properties. As a response to legitimate concerns about affordability, the TRPA gal said, “don’t get hung up on our local workers”. Oh and TRPA is hiring more third parties and staff to monitor deed restricted housing.

TRPA wants this approved by Dec. 2023!

The webinar had a good turn out with over 90 participants and 90+ questions, but that was due to environmental groups sounding the alarm. TRPA worked to censure public comment. Questions were handpicked and read by TRPA’s PR person. Only about 10 random questions out of the 90+ could be viewed by any one participant.

We’ve done our best to educate the public, but how many of us are really aware of these major changes?

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Written by: PreserveLakeTahoe