The Washoe County Board of Adjustments voted to allow EKN to go for a grading permit and take Wassou Rd behind the Casino immediately.

I want to apologize to all the people who took the time in the middle of a workday to travel to Reno in person or be on a zoom call. Thank you, but it has become clear it was a waste of everyone’s time. It was already decided. It was a sham. We knew our goose was cooked when Jennifer Donohue, from North Lake Tahoe Fire, got up and said it was acceptable with the Dept. to eliminate one of the Community evacuation exits-Wassou Rd. Of course there was no supplied evacuation plan for us.
We have numerous emails from a Freedom of Information Act request that show there was a concerted effort by Washoe County, TRPA, North Lake Tahoe Fire, and Nevada Department of Transportation to prep to promote the project.(See one example below).

There were even meetings with PR firms (Abbi Agency) regarding Agency messaging.
From: Tone, Sarah <STone@washoecounty.gov>
Sent: 12 January 2022 18:29
To: awolfson@dot.nv.gov; Jennifer Donohue; Smith, Dwayne E.; Lloyd, Trevor; Hauenstein, Mojra; Bronczyk, Christopher; Paul Nielsen
Subject: Resort At Tahoe: Preparation for Boulder Bay
Dear Resort At Tahoe Reviewing Team:
The February 3, Board of Adjustment meeting will include a presentation on the Resort at Tahoe Special Use Permit for Mass Grading and associated variances. Initial feedback from staff and public requests are expected to bring questions up for public safety, engineering, and local and regional permitting (process questions, alignment with TRPA). There may be more when the staff report is published. In the meantime, I have placed a virtual teams meeting on your schedules for January 24 anticipating that agency support at the meeting may be beneficial in addressing questions. Please let me know if that time does not work for you.

The focus was how to work towards approval, not questioning or examining issues with the project. What’s even more disappointing is that when we asked legitimate questions, we got rope-a-dope…no answers, deflection or denial. The were drawings submitted with the Grading application that are evidence it isn’t the same project. But they got, Lew Feldman, esq.-Attorney for Roger Wittenberg, to call up and say it was. When the Board asked the County and the developer if the grading for the $600m project would be finished this summer. They both answered yes. What a joke.

We need to have truth in government. We can appeal.

Written by: PreserveLakeTahoe